Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Even more riding

I completed my 3-day weekend with even more riding on Monday. Scattered showers scattered over our Paragon route. Our sunglasses became fogged up and wet rendering them useless against the pelting drops. The rain came down so hard at one point it was stinging our legs and sometimes our faces. I actually asked if it was hailing, which drew laughter. We found a church porch that sheltered us for a couple of minutes until the rain eased. I snapped a couple of photos with my iPhone and also checked the radar...gotta love technology. Since we were already wet we decided to take the long route back to town.

Of course a good weekend of rides can't be complete without coming home to something in the yard. Remember the junk car? Thankfully, someone else just had to have it and gladly hauled it away. After Monday's ride, a yard roller was delivered. To my husband's credit, I knew about this in advance. I was with him when he negotiated the deal--with my grandfather. Even my own family takes his side! Yes, my grandfather made this yard roller for my uncle who sold it to my husband. I wondered what his motive really was when he volunteered to go to pizza night with me. It was a field trip in disguise to inspect the contraption. Ain't it a beauty? It supposedly weighs over 600 lbs. Forgive my lack of excitement.


cheryl said...

what's a yard roller do?

Angela said...

I had to ask the same question; it smooths the yard so the mower will mow evenly. Moles and other pests leave nasty holes or mounds that are problematic, or so I'm told.