Monday, May 18, 2009

Too much energy wasted on worrying

I do it all the time; worry about things I shouldn't--mostly people. Lately I've wasted a lot of energy with worry. Easier said than done, but here's my current mantra courtesy of Bob Marley.

Along with worry and wasted energy comes reflection. Since the crash in my last race, I've been skittish when I ride the trails, which is OK. It's good to pause and reflect to move on. But the deep questions start pouring out. Why do I race bicycles? Why do I train without fully committing? Yes, I do put in time, but not the right kind--not the proper workouts that will help get me to the finish line first. I don't commit all of myself to competition, like eating right or stretching often.

My answer has always been keeping the balance between work and play. Riding is fun, training is fun, and racing is fun. The race where I had the most fun was Westwood last year when I came in last! I smiled through the entire course; everything was flowing just right, my speed was good. I had the same feeling I get every time I'm on a bicycle: like an 8-year old on a bicycle--free, uninhibited.

But if I start structured workouts with a plan, will it still be exciting or will it be a job? I think it's time to find out because another worry is complacency. If I don't push to another level I'll stagnate, or worse, fall behind.

So, perhaps it's time to think seriously about a coach. Why not give it a try? I'll do some research and soul searching and see if I can find the same balance. I doubt it will be this season, but the Fall may be a good time to start. We'll the mean time, don't worry.

1 comment:

cheryl said...


a coach wants you to have fun too, otherwise you won't be able to stick to the plan, and you'll start skipping workouts and then what's the point. You'll figure out what will work best for your goals and your life.