Monday, May 11, 2009

The Touchables

This weekend was spectacular for riding, and I took advantage of it. Due to the wind forecast, the girls decided to postpone my favorite Bear Wallow ride and opt for Martinsville instead. I love this route almost as much and even like climbing a couple of hills. (I know it's progress in my cycling career when I admit to liking climbs.)

On the way to Martintucky, we pass a stone sculptor's house. The yard is filled with his work; we can't even see most of it from the road. It's called The Touchables--check out the pics. I recall being on a guided tour one day and seeing a life-sized chess board and pieces. Sadly, due to vandalism, tours are by appointment only. We vowed to schedule one in advance next time we do the ride. Cheryl got some great pics from the road; she posted some on her site. My favorite is the lizard-like creature. Here are some dolphins that would look good in my yard.

I turned around early w/ Mer due to time constraints and enjoyed passing the garden again.

Sunday was another gorgeous day, and I opted for a trail ride. Still tentative from my crash, I took it easy as I wasn't really feeling the groove. It's all good, though. Injuries are healing, poison ivy is going away, and my confidence will come back. Races are good for that--getting in the zone. Before the crash in Warsaw, I was totally in the zone doing what I was supposed to do: concentrating on boobs to the tube, relaxing my shoulders, and leaning in to the corners without braking. It was so much fun regardless of where the competition was. It was starting to feel natural.

Oh-I should also mention the waffles I had for breakfast. After reading Liz's blog, I decided this waffle-maker would be a superb gift for my neighbor. I bought one and gave it to the family next door. Sunday I was rewarded with fantastic waffles in the shape of cows, barns, chickens, and pigs. How awesome is that?!?!?

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