Thursday, March 19, 2009

Exceeding the Comfort Zone

Having adventurous friends and a fabulous husband, I periodically get opportunities to escape my comfort zone and physical limitations. My most recent vacation took me to the island of Kauai.

The atmosphere is spectacular, the weather is ideal in most spots, and the hiking is amazing. We started with a hike on the Na Pali coast that was difficult. With a 50+ pound backpack it was arduous. The cliff views were breathtaking but scary. At times the trail narrowed with slides down the several thousand feet to the coast below.

While the hike was hard, I succumbed to the present danger and turned around at mile 7 of 11 miles. We did have a night under a tin shelter in the rain in lieu of setting up the tent.

As a consolation, Jason and I toured Waimea Canyon, went snorkeling over a phenomenal reef, and walked through the National Tropical Botanical Gardens. Seeing giant sea turtles made my day.

Pictures will be posted later. So far sooooo gooood.

1 comment:

heather said...

I can't wait to see the pictures!! Happy to hear you're having a great time!!