Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wookie Pies

According to Wikipedia, Whoopie Pies are, “…a baked good traditional to the Pennsylvania Dutch…made of two small, chocolate, disk-shaped cakes with a sweet, creamy frosting sandwiched between them.” My mom used to make these for me when I was a kid (and sometimes throughout my adult life.)

While perusing the baked goods of Trader Joe’s a couple of months ago, I came across a package of these. When I expressed my excitement to my friends, I was surprised they hadn’t heard of them. Naturally Cheryl observed how much they resemble HoHo’s. In true Star Wars fashion, Meredith kept messing up the name. Imagine my surprise when she brought me a treat with the packaging below from her last Trader Joe’s run. Thanks, Mer! And kudos to MRLink for the graphic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love woopie pies!! must be a Daviess County thing.