Sunday, November 8, 2009

Slow Motion

It's November. I feel like everything is going in slow motion...the house, the building, my ride speed, etc. But if that's true, how did Autumn get here so fast? Why did the leaves fall so fast? It's like one day they were here looking beautiful painting the landscape, and the next, they were brown and on the ground.

Anyway, the house progress is extremely slow and is limited to 6-7 hours a week due to various other projects. Hubby and I worked Saturday putting siding up; I was relegated to cutting (yes, with a saw! Yay for tools.) and handing up correct measured pieces. I think I would have enjoyed hammering more, but I don't think I would have liked walking on the awning. So, the top is done--we still need to finish the bottom. Looks a little clunky still with our siding scraps, scaffolding, and ladder outside. Nevertheless, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the windows!

The building has also had some down time. With the electrical finally finished, the drywall and insulation experts are on scene this week. We made a last minute decision to spend some extra $$ and have spray foam installed under the installation. This should better insulate and help seal the place. Angela's translation: I should expect to never see a spider or lady bug inside the building. LOL. As if. But I do dread the upcoming chore of painting which will fall on our shoulders. Any volunteers? We'll supply beer.

With temps in the high 60s, I wanted to ensure I pedaled my bicycle on such a glorious day. Again, I was reminded of slow motion. I am SO out of shape, but I'm OK with it right now. Running errands in town, I decided to hit the Wap instead of driving to Brown County. The trail was covered with leaves! At times it was difficult to spot which way I should go. In fact, on the first lap, I took a wrong turn and ended up back at the parking lot way too early. Oops. A group of guys had just finished a lap and headed out with me; they assured me the leaves were dry. Guess what! Dry leaves are slick too! I didn't go down but had a few close calls. Perhaps it wasn't from the leaves--it was more likely the roots hiding out underneath. A couple of people are doing mucho trail work out there; I think the new reroutes will certainly help take the 'ouch factor' out of some of the steep hills on the backside while hopefully adding some more miles.
Somewhere along the way, I ran through dog poo. Yuck. I took my bike to a car wash after the ride! It was on the way home and I had some quarters. I say it was $2 well spent.
One slow thing I'm grateful for is the onset of Winter. The Old Man can stay away for a little while longer. I want to play outside some more!

1 comment:

Stan said...

I guarantee the creep, crawly bugs will find a way into your building. =)