Sunday, April 25, 2010

My New, Favorite Hill

The title of this post changed in my head. Last Thursday I was already thinking of "Anger Management" when my mountain bike ride @ BCSP went all wrong. No, I didn't crash. No, I didn't get hurt. No, I didn't have to walk out of the woods. And that's why I changed the title post.

Going on little sleep and a little cranky already, I decided to try out my new 1 x 9 setup; Heather graciously agreed to go with me. Little did Heather know the foul language she would hear that night every time my chain skipped up and down the gears. I made it around the North Tower & Aynes loops before succumbing to frustration. (Sorry, Heather!) If you're like me, this "annoyance" makes concentrating on technique, form, cadence, and looking ahead nearly impossible as my brain starts focusing on the negative. BAD ANGELA!

While reading Three Cups of Tea that night thinking about the children in Korphe, Pakistan, I came to the conclusion - again - how much of a spoiled brat I am. Wah--my shifting isn't perfect. The kids in this region fortunate enough to attend school once a week literally do math problems in the dirt with sticks! Having not finished the book, I'm anticipating the fate of a new school that Greg Mortenson promises to deliver.

I also calmed down on the way home when I realized that's one of the reasons I went to BCSP that night--to get the kinks worked out. Yes, there will be kinks; identify them, fix them, and move on! Granted, once every couple of years, the red-headed temper flares up.

Many who know me have heard me say, "There's only 1 hill worth going up--Bear Wallow Hill--because the downhill is SO SWEET!" Most descents in this region have a 90-degree curve or a stop sign at the bottom mandating caution while slowing momentum. Bear Wallow lets you ride out that momentum with some nice, sweeping curves.

Anyway, I have a new, favorite hill now. I never thought I would say those words. I set out yesterday with one goal--to do that hill. Riding past Gatesville, the road takes a 90-degree left turn. After a mile or so, the road just starts creeping up--very gently, in fact. A creek filled with flowing water and cool rocks accompany the rider through dense leaves. There is no steep grade; I can accelerate on this hill! While there's no downhill on the other side--well, not immediately, it is truly a pleasant climb. OMG--another phrase I never thought I would say.

Without clearly checking maps, I ended up missing a turn and found myself staring at a Dairy Queen in the distance. Huh? Where was I? The signs indicated Trafalgar. Not knowing my way home through Morgantown backroads, I doubled back in search of the missed turn. I missed it again. My map showed a named road while road signs displayed county road numbers.

Knowing storms were looming, I turned back the way I came and descended the awesome hill on Sweetwater Trail (N. Peoga) Road. It was worth it! Boring, I know, but I returned the way I came making for a 60+ mile out-and-back. I had some options, but the skies were getting darker and shorter/faster won over exploration this time.

I walked in the door 3 seconds before it started pouring. I helped myself to a bowl of chocolate ice cream (who am I kidding? I didn't use a bowl.) and watched the delayed Little 500 race on HDNet. Some days are bad, some days are good.

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