Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Scrooge

It's true. I'm a Super Bowl Scrooge--EVEN when the home team is playing. I don't care who wins or loses. Football is a sport I don't understand much like mountain biking is foreign to many other people. Why would anyone want to pedal a bicycle through the woods? It's hard. It's tiring. Everybody wears spandex shorts--even those who shouldn't.

My view of football is similar. Why would anyone voluntarily put themselves in front of a 300-lb person who is trying to tackle them to the ground? Isn't is rough out there? Aren't the chances of getting injured high? Don't they wear spandex pants--even those who shouldn't?

Despite these sentiments, Hubby and I were invited to 4 Super Bowl parties! Those who know me, know my 9:00 rule. No phone calls after 9:00 b/c I'm likely in bed trying to sleep. This game starts at something like 7:30 on a Sunday night! As if I'm going to get geared up for a game I don't care about or understand. But there is always food. Always. And therein lies the temptation. I'm sure we'll go somewhere for a short period of time and hear about the results on the radio tomorrow morning.

This time of year has me annoyed. I AM READY FOR SUMMER. I AM. I TRULY AM. Friday produced lots of rain and snow heavy, wet snow. Heavy snow is not good XC ski snow. And I really wanted to get on the bike and ride outside. Granted, I've ridden in colder temps this year, but a snow ride taxes the legs quite a bit. A road ride was out of the question. A trail ride would be killer. So, I had my heart set on gravel road. Alas, I'm too chicken to go alone when it's freezing outside. So, I was stuck inside.

While I was entertaining these thoughts, Matt & Mer called.

"Do you want to go for a hike? We're taking the puppy for her first hike."

"NO!" It's cold. I have a date with the trainer. It's cold. I would have to put on some real clothes. It's cold.

In 30 seconds, we went from an adamant "NO" to "Sure, sounds like fun. See you in 30 minutes."

I'm so glad we went. What fun!

This is the vicious cycle of emotions I go through every time. I dread getting out in the cold weather only to be coaxed into it and enjoying every bit of it.

While Cheryl provided a helpful list of reasons to train in the Winter, I was most humbled by Jill who gives a preview to snow riding in her blog. I think this is something I can get in to! If you don't want to read about it, at least check out her pics. This is one awesome chic!

Below are some pics from the hike. Photos are from Matt.

Their dog. Doesn't this just make your heart melt? I want another pet NOW!

Another pic worthy of being on a calendar.

The girls.

The classic Sycamore tree in the valley on my road. Every winter this one stand out among the rest of the trees. It's cool.

Jason continuing his quest to achieve perfect balance.

There's a beaver in the midst.


cheryl said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, gorgeous puppy! glad you did the hiie. The grr ride would have been pure ice!

Angela said...

I know, I know. The grr would not have been a good idea. I'm just being a whiner b/c I really wanted to ride outside instead of inside.

Kathy said...

Looks like a golden puppy!