Sunday was the culmination of much training and many sacrifices. This was the day I had chosen to do my very best. So what was wrong? Why wasn't I excited? Could it be nerves? Yes, I put so much pressure on myself to do well I made it not fun. Could it be the conditions? Yes, with rain in the area over the past several days, trail conditions were questionable. I don't think it's a secret that I don't do well when it's slippery. Could it be my attitude? Yes, it was time for a mental talk.
I was already bummed at having skipped out on my friend,
Season. We were going to spend this week doing girly things then I bailed after having some work issues to sort through this week. (I already have another date in mind, though, and I'm going to try to couple the trip with a race!)
I got to
Brown County State Park early. After taking a team pic with the
Bicycle Station team, I headed off to warm up. I didn't quite get all of my procedures accomplished as I'm still trying to figure out the routine. Nevertheless, in all cases,
any warm-up has helped how I feel during a race.
Bang! We started 14 minutes behind the Pro men to a fast start with Nicole & Emily powering up the steep hill. While on road rides, I don't mind the short, steep ones, but this one gave me fits. Uh oh. Panic. Why did my legs hurt? Haven't I been resting? Oh yeah, it's a steep hill. Thankfully, when it became more gradual, I relaxed and settled in to somewhat of a rhythm before entering the singletrack.
I was breathing steady! I wasn't blowing up! THANK YOU, WARM-UP!! I focused quickly on the chase as I was the 5th (out of 6) Cat 1 into the woods. Within 10 minutes I caught 4th place and passed her and a Cat 2 rider. I was ecstatic to have caught her as she is an excellent climber and rides steadily. Now the
race pressure was on. Not only did I have to defend, I had to catch!
Ordinarily I would start settling for whatever place I was in, sort of give up on the "race" aspect and finish out the ride. I've been different this year giving it my best. Sunday would be no exception. The Aynes hill was not as difficult as I remembered; I rose up the hill steadily passing several guys. I stalled at the top to let Griff go by on the downhill as I knew he would be right on my tail. He shouted, "
Follow me, Ange!" However, when I started pedaling, he was already gone. Someday I'll downhill like Griff.....
I caught him again as we neared the HP connector when he crashed on a slick root. Fortune was with me; I witnessed his demise and steered clear of the peril. Thank you, Griff, for showing me the way.
One of my favorite sections is the downhill after the HP connector. It was slick on only a couple of spots, so I punched it a little gaining confidence with the conditions. Along the uphill section on the North Tower Loop, I caught Mary from Louisville. As I came behind her, she shifted gears and I heard a terrible grinding. Off her bike, she scurried out of my way to let me by. I nearly rolled over her chain that was laying in the middle of the trail. Bad day for Mary.
Now in third place, I actually thought about catching 2nd place, who I presumed was Emily. Around the lap marker, I got a time check from a spectator; Emily was only 20 seconds up!!! Then, I saw her! I can DO this. I came to the Aynes hill again with an excitement only to end it with pain. It was starting to hurt now, and I had to back off a little.
OK--new strategy. Steadily climb the Aynes, focus like hell on the downhill, then punch it with everything on the climb out on North Tower. Wait. Isn't that always the strategy? was nearing the end of the race. Whatever.
Catching 2 guys on the last downhill I was actually thinking I should go around them b/c I could out maneuver them. I still think I could have, but it's hard to make up time on the downhill and Emily was nowhere in sight. I accepted my 3rd place position; the guys didn't slow me up that much, so I don't think it made a difference. Emily must have made another 10 seconds on my as her finishing time was around 30 seconds faster. Results are
Anyway, I started having fun and my attitude came around. I was surprised at how focused I was while having fun; I didn't give up in the middle or succumb to the hurt. I'm very pleased with my podium spot, enormous $$ winnings, and a PR on the home course! YAY!!!!